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Document Shredding for the Financial Industry

Serving Business Customers in West Texas Since 1996

Secure Document Shredding is committed to protecting clients’ confidential information. Our experienced staff will help you choose the exemplary service for your financial business. We serve banks, credit unions, investment banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies, and mortgage companies. We offer one-time and scheduled document destruction services.

Why Should Financial Institutions Shred?

Shredding is one of the most effective methods when protecting sensitive information. That’s why financial institutions should shred all documents that contain personal or confidential information. Shredding papers can help prevent identity theft, fraud, and other crimes. Not only will shredding protect the customers’ information, but it will also help ensure the institution’s safety.

One-Time Shredding

One-time shredding is an effective way to protect confidential information and is integral to compliance with industry regulations. This service means businesses can shred all their documents at once without worrying about the cost or the hassle. As a result, one-time shredding is a convenient and cost-effective solution for businesses in the financial industry.

Scheduled Shredding

Scheduled shredding is an essential service for businesses in the financial industry. By shredding documents regularly, companies can protect themselves and their customers from various risks. Secure Document Shredding provides collection containers and shred carts to our regularly scheduled customers to ensure all paper documents are stored safely while waiting to be shredded.


Financial institutions are responsible for protecting their customers’ data, ensuring that all sensitive documents are shredded and destroyed. Not only is this the right thing to do, but it is also required by law. Financial industries must comply with privacy legislation. Banks and other financial businesses are governed by laws such as Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act (GLBA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) in the USA. These laws are what help protect your client’s privacy and information. There may be severe repercussions if these conditions are not met.

What Documents Should Be Shredded?

Before shredding, the first thing to consider is whether or not the document contains sensitive information. Any documents that include account numbers, social security numbers, and any other personal information that could be used to steal your identity or commit fraud should be destroyed.

Also, review whether or not the document is required by law to be shredded. It includes things like tax documents and other financial records. In many cases, the organization will be necessary to keep these documents for a certain period before you can shred them.

What Documents Should Be Shredded?

  • All Discarded Copier
  • Copies
  • ATM receipts
  • Bank statements
  • Canceled and voided checks
  • Credit and charge card bills, carbon copies, summaries, and receipts
  • Credit reports and histories
  • Credit Cards (Expired)
  • Documents containing the maiden name
  • Documents containing names, addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail addresses
  • Documents relating to investments
  • Documents containing passwords or PINs
  • Drafted Documents
  • Investment, stock, and property transactions

What Documents Should Be Shredded?

Privacy laws require you have a Written Information Destruction Policy. Develop a plan and educate your employees. Once you decide which document destruction options will work best for you, create a shredding policy. Put it in writing so you can distribute it to your staff, have them read it, and sign a confirmation that they received and understand it.

Let the team know where security containers will be located and that all paper documents will be disposed of. It would help if you also gave employees an annual refresher on your information destruction policy. Remember that new hires should be trained on the policy and sign a confirmation along with all other HR documents.

What Documents Should Be Shredded?

Secure Document Shredding protects your confidential information and ensures it is secured and safe from collection to destruction. We proudly serve Midland, San Angelo, Odessa, Abilene, Lubbock, Texas, and surrounding areas since 1996. We offer two office locations in San Angelo, Texas, and another in Midland, Texas. After any shredding is completed, you will be issued a Certificate of Destruction to verify that we have done our job and everything we shred is recycled for a greener Texas.


NAID AAA Certification® verifies secure data destruction companies’ services’ compliance with all known data protection laws through scheduled and surprise audits by trained, accredited security professionals, fulfilling customers’ regulatory due diligence obligations.

We are NAID AAA Certified for on-site and off-site document shredding and hard drive destruction. Our team is ready to serve you and all employees undergo background checks and screening as per NAID certification standards.


Contact us to book Secure Shredding Services or to arrange a free consultation.

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